Friday, July 17, 2020

Yoga poses for Hair Growth

How it Works?

           Yoga have those asanas which increases blood flow to the brain and helps to 

remove an unwanted particles from the brain so

 that fresh blood can flow easily.

          Watch full video on youtube       

           These asana enriched the blood to the

 scalp. The transforming of grey hair into its

 original color and good growth of hair is 

possible through the practice of these asana.

       These yoga poses help in overcoming

 anxiety, tress, indigestion which are considered

 the underlying causes of hair fall. Pranayama

 and breathing exercises prevent baldness and

 facilitate hair growth by reducing stress and 

sense of well being.


Shashankasana is a ‘Sanskrit’ word which means ‘Moon’. The moon symbolizes peace and calm.


ü  Avoid this asana if you are suffering from backache or slip-disk.

ü  If you are suffering from High blood pressure do not hold your breath.


     Setu means bridge and bandha

means bound. In this posture our body makes a shape like a bridgPrecautions

ü    If you are suffering from cervical should not perform this asana.

ü    Avoid it during shoulder Injury.

ü    Avoid it if you have any abdomen surgery.


Parvat means Mountain. In English we called it Mountain pose.


ü    Do not hunch.

ü    Keep your back and neck straight.

ü    Avoid this asana if you are suffering from slip-disk or backache.


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