Surya Namaskar is an important part of Yoga. It contains 12 asanas first 7 are different and other 5 are same of 1st 5.
Surya Namaskar
- It increase immunity and stamina
- It will stretch your muscles and strengthen them.
- It will make your body flexible.
- Makes you healthy.
- It can cure most of your diseases like Blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, Liver infections, Arthritis etc.
In this posture, stand straight and keep both hands folded. Keep your eyes closed.
You can meditate in this asana.
'Hasta' means 'Arm' and 'Tan' means 'Stretch'.
For this posture raise your hands upwards and leaning back with inhalation.
- This posture will stretch your body completely.
- Helps to expand your Lungs and helps to breathe properly.
- Helps to cure backache and slip-disk problems.
Those who are suffering from abdomen surgery should not perform this asana.
'Pad' means 'foot and 'Hasta' means 'hands'.
For this posture stand straight, raise your hand and bend forward.
- This asana will help you to eliminates stress, anxiety by energizing the body.
- Helps to improve balance, flexibility and blood circulation.
Those who are suffering from backache and slip-disk should not perform this asana.
Ashwasanvhalan word comes from Sanskrit Language 'Ashwa' means horse and 'sanchalan' means 'stepping movement'.
For this posture Low lunge with chest lifted while the palms remain grounded.
- Stretches the spine and increasing the flexibility.
- Enhances the lung capacity and strengthen the muscles of the chest.
- Massages and tones liver & Kidney for well functioning.
- Don't practice this asana if you have any knee or neck injury.
- Practice it on empty stomach.
'Parvat' means 'Mountain'. In English we called it 'Mountain pose'.
- This asana will strengthen the muscles of Arms and Legs.
- Improves Blood Circulation.
- Makes your spine straight.
- It increases blood flow to the brain.
- Do not hunch.
- Keep your back and neck straight.
'Ashtangnamaskar' also called as 'Caterpillar Pose', where the eight points of body contact the floor Feet, knees, chest, hands and chin.
- Strengthen your back.
- Improves flexibility.
- Increases your concentration power.
- If you have any kind of injury should not practice this asana.
- Hold this posture according to your capacity.
In English we called it 'Cobra Pose'.
- Strengthen your spine and keeps it strong.
- Gives a good stretch to your neck, shoulder, chest, lungs, and abdomen.
- Improves the functioning of the abdominal organs like Liver, Kidney, Pancreas.
- Beneficial in Menstrual and other disorders of the female Reproductive system.
- Don't keep your body stiff.
- Pregnant women should not practice it.
- Do not raise your body too up for making L- shape.
After that the asanas will be repeat like after BHUJANGASANA to 8. PARVATASANA to 9. ASHWASANCHALAN to 10. PADHASTASANA to 11. HASTOTANASANA to 12. PRANAMASANA.
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