Friday, July 24, 2020

Yoga asanas/ poses for arthritis

How it works?

           Yoga asanas help us to stretch our complete body. Yoga asanas affect our body deeply which can treat our disease.

Yoga Asana for Arthritis

Yoga asana for Hair growth>>

Surya Namaskar and its Benefits>>

What is Yoga? >>

Pranayama for Anxiety, Depression, Breathing problems, concentration power. >>

Yoga Asanas/ poses for irregular menstrual cycle/ periods>>

         Yoga stretches the muscles. Muscles are the one who holds our bones and strength of our human body. The movement and stretch yoga offers us will help us to make our muscles, organs, glands and nerves strong.

Balasana (Child pose)

‘Bala’ means ‘child’. This asana is a common beginner pose.


ü    Prevent Arthritis.

ü    Promotes blood circulation in the whole body.

ü    Reduces stress and anxiety.

ü    Calms our mind and the body.

ü    Balasana keeps you energized.


ü    Avoid this asana if you have heavy knee and back pain.

ü    Do not practice it if your blood pressure is high or low.


‘Ardh’ means ‘half’ ‘Chandra’ means ‘moon’. Ardhchandrasana means half moon pose. This posture considers the energy of the moon is great symbolisms.


ü    Prevent Arthritis.

ü    Improve balance of the body and increase awareness.

ü    It strengthens the hamstrings, thighs and ankles.

ü    Keep the thigh bones strong.

ü    Strengthen the buttocks, spine and abdominal muscles.


ü    If you are suffering from low blood pressure, migraine, insomnia should avoid this asana.

ü    Do safely if you have cervical.



In English we called it 'Cobra Pose'.


ü    Prevent Arthritis.

ü    Strengthen your spine and keeps it strong.

ü    Gives a good stretch to your neck, shoulder, chest, lungs, and abdomen.

ü    Improves the functioning of the abdominal organs like Liver, Kidney, and Pancreas.

ü    Beneficial in Menstrual and other disorders of the female Reproductive system.


ü  Don't keep your body stiff.

ü  Pregnant women should not practice it.

ü  Do not raise your body too up for making an L- shape.

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