Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Yoga poses/asanas for Knee pain

How it works?

         Yoga is very beneficial to those who have weak knees or pain in their knees. Certain postures help stabilize the knee and strengthen the muscles which support and hold the knee in proper alignment.

          Try to practice each one of these poses three to four times in a week. Make sure to hold each pose for at least five breaths and back off if you feel any pain.

Yoga asana for Hair growth>>

Surya Namaskar and its Benefits>>

What is Yoga? >>

Pranayama for Anxiety, Depression, Breathing problems, concentration power. >>

Yoga asana/Poses for arthritis >>

Yoga asana/poses for Diabetes>>

Yoga Asanas/ poses for irregular menstrual cycle/ periods>>


Virbhadrasana is a warrior pose. It is a standing asana of modern yoga as an exercise.

Virbhadrasana (Warrior pose)

  Stretches: Thighs, Calves, Shoulders, Arms, ankles.

  Strengthens: Knees, Thighs, Back, Shoulders, and Arms.


· Strengthens your shoulders, arms, legs, knees, ankles and back.

· Opens your hips, chest and lungs.

· Improves balance and stability.

· Energizes the entire body.

· Strengthen your knees.


· Keep your head in neutral position.

· Avoid this asana if you suffer from any condition: heart problem, severe neck pain or shoulder pain and high blood pressure.

· Avoid this if you have major knee pain or any knee surgery.

Supt Padangushthasana

    This asana helps to create traction in the lower back, which can relieve stress. Doing this pose allows you to stretch your hamstrings without putting much stress on your vertebrae.

                                                  Supt Padangushthasana

Stretches: Thighs, Inner Thighs, Calves, and Ankles.

Strengthens: Abdominal Organs, Knees, Thighs, Ankles, and Calves.


· Strengthens the muscles.

· Relieve knee pain.

· Alleviates stiffness of lower back and some kind of backache.

· Relieves arthritis pain of hips and knees.


· Don’t stretch beyond your limits.

· Avoid if you have injury at hamstrings.

· People with a lower back or ankle injury should not practice this pose.


   Trikonasana a triangle pose. It is a standing posture.


Stretches: Thorax, Vertebral Column, Hips, Knees, Thighs, Inguinal Region, Calves, Hamstrings, Ankles And Shoulders.

Strengthens: Knee, Thighs, Ankles, Shoulders, Back.


· Relieves knee pain.

· Strengthens the muscles.

· Stimulate and improve the function of blood through the entire body.

· Reduces blood pressure, stress and anxiety.

· Cure indigestion.


Avoid doing this pose if you are suffering from migraine, diarrhea, low or high blood pressure, or back and neck injuries.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Yoga Asanas/ poses for irregular menstrual cycle/ periods

How it works?

            Yoga facilitates smooth flow of blood. It helps to maintain a balanced Endocrine system and my experience of practicing with my cycle allows living a more balanced life.

     Whatever we eat can effect menstrual cycle physically and mentally both. Stress can cause low flow, heavy flow or a gap of a month and more.

Yoga asana for Hair growth>>

Surya Namaskar and its Benefits>>

What is Yoga? >>

Pranayama for Anxiety, Depression, Breathing problems, concentration power. >>

Yoga asana/Poses for arthritis >>

Yoga asana/poses for Diabetes>>

Malasana (garland pose)

      Malasana is basically a Squatting Yoga Posture. It is also called Garland Pose in English.
Malasana (Garland pose)

Breathing: Inhale and Exhale Down.

Stretches: Thighs, Arms, Hips, Back, Ankles, Calves and Shoulders.

Strengthen: Thighs, Back, Abdomen, Arms and Uterus. 


· Massages the abdominal organs which help to cure constipation, indigestion and irregular periods.

· It stimulates the sarcal chakra, which govern sexuality.

· Malasana activates the svadhisthana chakra, which influences both the practitioner’s sexuality and their feelings.

· This Asana can give a positive energy and stretch your vagina which can help to cure vaginal infections.


· Avoid this Asana if you are suffering from knee pain.

· Practice this Asana only on an empty stomach.

· Do not put pressure on your heels.



        Ustra means Camel. It also called Camel Pose in English.

Ustrasna (Camel pose)

Breathing: Inhale Back and Exhale Center.

Stretches: Abdomen, Arms, Inner Thighs, Ankles, Chest, Shoulder and Neck.

Strengthen: Back, Shoulder, Legs, Neck and Abdominal Organs.


· Improves spinal flexibility.

· Stretches the abdominal organs which can cure indigestion, constipation and irregular periods.

· Reduce fat on thighs.

· Strengthen the back, neck, shoulder and legs.

· Expand the helps which can helps you to breathe properly.


· People suffering from high and low blood pressure should avoid this Asana.

· Take deep breath during the Asana.

· People having back injury or neck pain should avoid this Asana.

· This Asana is not recommended for people suffering from migraine.


         Bhadrasana is called as Badha Konasana which means Bound Angle Pose/ Butterfly Pose.

Bhadrasna (Butterfly pose)

Breathing: Normal

Stretches: Thighs, Calves, Lower Back, Shoulders, Wrists, Hips and Vaginal Portion.

Strengthen: Hips, Thighs, Back, Shoulder, and Uterus.


· Eases delivery, labor during childbirth.

· Improves digestion.

· Improves vaginal health and menstrual cycle.

· Develops flexibility of legs.

· Improves focus and concentration.

· Develops brain power.


· The buttocks should rest firmly on the ground during the whole practice.

Discontinue the practice if you feel a strain on the body while practicing the pose.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Yoga Asanas/ poses for diabetes

How it Works?

         Yoga increases glucose uptake by muscle cells, which helps to lower blood sugar levels, improve circulation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It helps to control stress, which makes sugar levels normal.

Yoga asana for Hair growth>>

Surya Namaskar and its Benefits>>

What is Yoga? >>

Pranayama for Anxiety, Depression, Breathing problems, concentration power. >>

Yoga asana/Poses for arthritis >>

Yoga Asanas/ poses for irregular menstrual cycle/ periods>>

Yoga asana for Diabetes


‘Manduk’ means ‘frog’ in English we called it ‘frog posture’.


ü    Prevent diabetes improve digestive system to relieve stress and anxiety.

ü    Enhance kidney and liver functioning, strengthen the ankles, back, hips and knees reduce fat from the belly and helps improve heart health.


ü    Avoid if having ankle injury if you are suffering from high blood pressure, migraine, insomnia should avoid this asana.

ü    It shouldn't be practiced who has an ulcer or any abdomen surgery.

ü    It shouldn't be performed by those who have backache.


‘Vakra’ means ‘twist’ in yogic language, it means ‘twisting the spine’.


ü    Prevent diabetes.

ü    This asana massages the abdominal organs, help facilitate digestion and regulates the secretion of digestive juices.

ü    Reduces constipation and stomach disease. The twist also helps reduce belly fat.

ü    It increases the flexibility of the spine and relives vertebrae stiffness.


ü    This asana should not be performed during pregnancy and menstruation.

ü    People with heart, abdomen and brain surgeries should avoid this asana.

ü    Do not twist too much.


Dhanur’ means ‘Dhanush’ (A bow).


ü    Prevent diabetes.

ü    It stimulates your digestion system.

ü    It helps to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles and increase the flexibility of your spine.

ü    This asana helps to stimulate the reproductive organs.

ü    It strengthens and tones your arm. Dhanurasana may help you to reduce belly and thigh fat.


ü    Avoid this asana if you have any back injury or neck injury.

ü    People who are suffering from ulcers, hernia or having any stomach surgery should avoid this asana.

Yoga poses/asanas for Knee pain

How it works?           Yoga is very beneficial to those who have weak knees or pain in their knees. Certain postures help stabilize the ...